New Parents Tag Video 

Many of you have been asking to see more of the twins and Jason, so I created a new parents (mommy and daddy Q&A) TAG to answer some questions. I tag all of you new parents to do this as well. Here are the questions, just tag me in your video/post cause I would love to see your answers as well. Thanks!

1. Best part about being a mom/dad?

2. Hardest part about being a new parent?

3. What advice would you give your “pre-kid” self?

4. How has your relationship changed since baby?

5. Silliest oops, funniest moment?

6. Greatest memory so far?


my perfectly imperfect life. 

  I’m all for putting your best foot forward and keeping it positive for social media but sometimes I feel people have crossed over to just plain fake. I’m not saying air your dirty laundry and put your mistakes on blast. But do these photoshopped girls live with a photographer or set up a tripod to capture greeting their husband when he comes home from work? I’m exhausted just thinking about it. 

Real life is messy. It’s not always pretty and it definitely isn’t easy. Real is relatable, real is honest. Real is REAL! And I wouldn’t trade my crazy, beautiful messy life to be in your perfect shoes for the world!Photo credit by my insanely talented friend Brig….. er… I mean this was just a completely candid moment caught on my cell phone by a neighbor kid passing by. 😜 


Advice for the Twin Mamas

Here are some tips and tricks that have helped me in dealing with my twin baby girls that I thought I would share. And since I am by no means the expert on twin-territory, I have also included advice from a few friends of mine that have twins as well. Hopefully this helps some of you twin mamas out there. Thanks for watching.