Confessions of an Infertile Woman

I admit. I still think I’m pregnant every month.
I admit. I never want to buy feminine hygiene products in bulk. (Because after all I won’t be using them for long right?)
I admit. I sometimes feel like commercials, magazine covers, pregnant women, etc. are all out to get me and make me feel lousy by constantly slapping me in the face with baby baby baby everywhere.
I admit. Sometimes I feel so alone even though there are millions of couples struggling with the same thing.
I admit. I have thought about stealing a baby. (But I would get caught…. Or would I?) ;-)
I admit. I believe I may have magical powers to get someone pregnant just by talking to them. Everytime I start to relate with someone TTC, they wind up pregnant the next day just by chance!!! “It just happened” is a phrase I can do without hearing again.
I admit. I have parked in the “Reserved for Expectant Mothers” parking spots.
I admit. I’ve carried a sack of flour, groceries, or watermelon on my hip like a baby and my heart sunk a little.
I admit. I’ve had my children’s names picked out since our second date.
I admit. I have a secret stash of baby clothes that I can’t help but buy.
I admit. When I have my niece out and people think she’s my daughter, I never correct them.

Comment below with some of your own secret someday mama confessions.

25 thoughts on “Confessions of an Infertile Woman

  1. I admit that when I hear a pregnant woman complain about any symptom of pregnancy, whether I know them or they are just a random stranger, I want to slap them, HARD.

    I admit that when I go out with one of my many pregnant friends to a meal, I will intentionally order something I know they should be avoiding.

    I admit that I get really upset whenever there’s an accidental pregnancy storyline on TV or in the movies.

  2. I admit. After I miscarried our IVF twins I still thought I was pregnant until well after the due date had passed. Even though I’d had scans in that time, not to mention several periods, and the complete lack of a bump.
    I admit. I sometimes feel that people who have more than twochildren are just greedy and are in some way ‘stealing’ some of the children that should be mine.

    • That’s so hard. I can imagine wanting to be in denial after investing soo much, and then having my prayers answered, only to have that dream taken away again. I have never miscarried, I would be devastated.
      And yes, I do feel like some people are greedy, hogging up all the available babies, dang Duggars.

  3. Not being type lazy here, but I can say yes to all of the above except buying baby clothes. Although, every time I’m in a store I can’t help it when I’m going through the kids section that I look at the cutest outfits which I would no doubt get my baby girl or boy. Breaks my heart every time :-( I also have to restrain myself from knitting baby clothes…for over 2 freakin’ years…I know it’s been way longer for you so you’ll understand. I so hate this crap :-(

  4. I am with ya on buying in “bulk”…I always buy the smallest box with hopes it will be my LAST box for many months to come ;)

    • For sure, I used to be completely stocked up on many varieties of tampons, but ever since we started TTC, I wait until I absolutely MUST buy a box of tampons, as in I have two left and I will have to go to the store cd1, because every period might be the last time I need tampons for a year. We can’t be wasting our money on “back up” boxes of tampons when we’re probably going to have to use that money for diapers. ;-)

      • amen girlie!! Every time I pick up a box, I always say out loud (no matter who is around me), this box, will be my last box for at least a year. lol!! I know that one day, it will actually be true. I figured expressing my faith in words pleases God too ;) Have a great weekend!!

  5. It’s like you took the words right out of my mouth. I too, haven’t bought baby clothes yet, but I wonder if I did –> would it be my lucky charm?
    Yes, I admit – I am TIRED of being the cheerful girlfriend spending $$ and buying gifts for all my friend’s kids during the holidays and I sit there looking like a retard cause no one even thinks to get anything for my fur kids.
    Yes, I admit – I DISPISE it when my girlfriends use the “Yeah, you wouldn’t get it because you don’t have kids” comments.
    Yes, I admit – I am so TIRED of my mother nagging me every day with questions asking us if we are even making an effort to have kids. Or better yet, “why aren’t you pregnant yet?”

    Sorry, can you tell i’m a bit bitter today? I should try to turn my frown upside down… :)

  6. I admit.. at the moment I have more pregnancy tests than tampons. (I’ve been collecting them). Yes. A collection of pregnancy tests.
    I admit.. I think the people in my life are getting pregnant just to ‘spite’ me and they even say, ‘HA!” in my face.
    I admit.. I sometimes hold my dog like a baby and rock him. (He growls at me but I do it anyway) :)
    I admit… I buy maternity clothes when they are on clearance.
    I admit.. I related entirely too much to this post. No seriously.. Thank you for posting this. :)

    • Haha, this totally made me laugh!! Im so glad you were able to relate, it truly helps to not feel alone in this. And BTW my cat is completely my baby, I would probably try to breast feed her if I could, it may be borderline crazy. Hahaha.

    • haha ditto on the maternity clothes! I figure by the time I actually have a successful full term pregnancy I will have a well stocked closet of maternity clothes. And when the baby arrives, I will have plenty of clothes already from buying when I just can’t help myself.

      Really what I’m doing is spreading out the cost over a longer period of time… you know, easier on the bank account, right? haha

  7. I admit. I get jealous when I read about all my infertile blog friends who are getting pregnant. They all truly deserve this. Their pain is the same or worse than mine, and they totally deserve it. But I admit. I have my moments of self-pity and sadness and think, ‘When is it my turn??’ Thanks for writing this. So real and so true. Can totally relate.I admit. Every time I hear a girl’s name I like, I practice it with ‘________ Rae’ and my last name. Thanks for visiting my blog. Looking forward to keep up with reading yours! We are all in this together! xo

  8. Going through IVF at the moment and loving following your journey, hence, why I’m looking on the internet for people to relate to -I have done all of these also.My confessions;
    Pinterest account full of baby things (that will be out of fashion by the time I conceive, but still hopeful)
    Friends all complaining about how much of an effort it is to have kids and I’m lucky not to have any. Seriously suck it up, right?
    After telling a friend I’m infertile, they let me know of people they know are pregnant. (am I just sensitive or is this insensitive?)
    Friends falling at the drop of a hat…. like seriously, all of them pregnant and telling me “how easy it was” or “it was an accident” and don’t worry, “you’re next”…aghhhhh
    My poor dog really is my baby, i think he loves it though. I carry him around on my hip and rock him hhahahahahhaha I even laugh at myself while I do it. CRAY-CRAY
    Future potential baby names with my last name, saying them out loud. I have been doing this for years
    Baby showers are rough days to get through. But i just remind myself its not about me and its a happy day for my friends and put on a smile!
    When people ask, (that don’t know you have been trying) “when are you guys going to have a baby”?
    or “you would have such cute kids”. At first I thought it was cute…. now, i’m sick of hearing it.

    that’s all I can think of at the moment.
    im excited to read through the rest of your blog!


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