28 thoughts on “Stick little ones, stick!

  1. Of course Jason wore a Clippers hat to in your children’s conception…haha! Love you guys :) and I was curious about the car seat but figured it was for Jules kids

    • Haha! I know! He’s gotta represent apparently.
      Ya, we babysit my niece quite a bit, so it was just easier to get a car seat. But I thought it was funny how you could totally see it.

    • I only started looking at your videos on youtube this past monday, the day before your FET, you’re awesome and yesterday I made sure to send you lots and lots of baby dust. I’m just starting this entire procedure so im currently on birth control pills, but my Stim start date is April 18.
      I can’t wait to continue hearing about your journey and wishing you the very best. Because of your videos i know what to expect since i’m clueless.
      Hugs for you both!

    • So cool!! I’m so glad you’re excited! It’s personal, but at the same time, I wanted to record our journey, while hopefully helping others going through it as well.
      Best of luck on your baby journey!!!!

      • So I’ve just started the IVF journey, was supposed to start injections tomorrow, but had surgery yesterday to remove polyps and now I have to wait 2 whole cycles before I can start injections again because they want me to heal. They told me to rest today, so I started searching on YouTube and saw all your videos. I was bummed that there were no more videos after your transfer, so when I went to this website, I realized your transfer was just yesterday! I’m so excited to follow your journey. So many of your videos mimicked my journey, but the best video was the one about what not to say to couples ttc. Sooooo incredibly true!!! I can’t wait to continue following you guys and good luck!!

  2. So excited for you and thanks so much for sharing! I was wondering about the ‘no fragrance’ thing, and now I know :) You learn something new here every day!

  3. That is so exciting! It is so great to know that you at least have 2 fertilized eggs floating around in there and are probably getting comfy cozy right now! Of course I’m going to rush things and ask when you go back in for a checkup?

    • We go back Sunday. But it’s just to check estrogen and progesterone to make sure they don’t need to up my dose. Fingers crossed that they don’t make me do the injections.

      • Here’s to hoping! I have everything crossed for you guys. At least you are an injection giving pro now, just in case. Do you feel like the patches and suppositories are working right now?

  4. Loooove love love this! I’m new to your blog (landed here while blog-hopping) and I’m SOOO glad! We’ve been TTC for over 6 years, and It’s so nice to find another Christian blogger to relate to, when many blogs I’ve found are more negative and not so encouraging. Can’t wait to read more of what you’ve already posted and to hear how things progress in your journey of growing your family. Sending TONS of hugs and baby dust your way!

  5. Oooooooooooooooooo Good luck! Make sure you make nicknames for your little ones and talk to them daily! We joked we’d name our children Raptor (seriously joking) so instead we named our two embryos Raptor 1 and Raptor 2. I kept their pictures in the kitchen and talked to them every chance I could!

  6. Hi! I love watching your videos and a HUGE congratulations to you and your husband on your new babies ! It was beautiful watching many of your videos and some I am certain I will rewatch as I go through IVF. I would like to know though what you did post transfer activity wise…Did you commit to bedrest or did you just resume normal activity? I’ve heard acupuncture after the transfer helps too?

Tell me your thoughts!