Tips, Tricks, and IVF Advice

Finally! The highly requested “what I wish I knew before starting IVF” tips video is up. These are basically the things that Google didn’t tell me before in doing my research on “what to expect”, and I definitely did a ton of online research. I really hope this is helpful to those that might be considering In-Vitro, or even going through the treatment.


Best Day Ever!

Here’s our reaction video to our first IVF beta pregnancy test results. We are so so over the moon and filled with love, joy and gratitude. It still hasn’t really even sunk in yet that we have positive news after the longest, hardest struggle of my life. We finally have our beautiful bundle of BFP!!!!!


Let me explain!!

No! I was not having a photoshoot with my pee stick in the bathroom!!!!
I woke up this morning, used another expired HPT (it’s all we have, I told you, I haven’t broke down and tested in a looooong time) I just really wanted that feeling of getting a positive test for once in my life! I used first morning urine, recorded it on my cell for Jason and peed! And I think I see a squinter of a line!!!!!!!!!!!
So let me explain the toilet selfies!!
a) These are screen shots from a video.
b) I took video for Jason cause he wasn’t home and didn’t want me to POAS without him.
c) I had to screen shot it cause the video was too long to send. (I just kept it rolling the whole time I was waiting)
d) I have no makeup on and it’s first thing in the morning and I’m half asleep and my skin hasn’t looked this bad in forever. Don’t judge me peeps.
e) This is the very first time in my life that I’ve ever gotten a glimmer of a line and I am happier than ever thought possible so nothing else matters.



5dp5dt Symptoms

embryo sign

I’ve made it half way through my 2 week wait cause I’ll have my beta 10 days after our transfer. So YAY for that!!
Here are my signs and symptoms after 5 days. These could all just be in my head, well, not all of them, some of them are literally protruding from my face and body, but I feel super hopeful and excited and positive about this time.
Here is where I’m at 5 days after our 5 day blast transfer:
Gigantic boobs. (.)(.) –> ( . )( . )
Sore boobs. Probably due to the above symptom.
Crampy like AF is gonna knock on my door.
Ravenously hungry. For salt.
Bloated chunky monkey. I don’t know if it even counts as “bloating” anymore, I’m definitely widening, and I’m eating everything in sight so I shouldn’t be surprised.
Twingey. Not sure how to explain this feeling other than twinges in my lady parts.
Acne like never before. This one surprised me a bit cause it’s not like I see every pregnant woman out there with chicken pox all over her glowing smug face. Soooo…. Is this going to go away? Yikes.
Facial hair. Again, where’s everyone else’s beards?!!
Nausea. I little bit every once in a while.
Ok, the other thing is, I’m balding. Isn’t pregnancy and prenatals supposed to amp up your hair? It is having the opposite effect on me.

I think that’s pretty much it. No implantation spotting or anything, but I really feel good about everything and I’m counting down the days til our beta. Hurry and get here!!
(We also had a blood test this morning to test estrogen and progesterone levels. Everything looks good, which means I continue on the dose I’ve been using. Great news! No IM shots.)


In-Vitro In-Vasion.

I have IVF face. Meaning I’m broken out like a 14yr old being attacked by puberty. Plus I have beard. Yep.
I have IVF body. Meaning I look 6 months pregnant, have sticky patch residue circles all over my protruding belly, swollen jugs, permanently sweaty and am leaking progesterone. Sexy guuuuurrrrrl.
I have IVF brain. Meaning one second I’m giddy with excitement, the next snapping your head off and cranky, and the next falling asleep mid-conversation.
I have IVF wallet. Meaning I’m a broke joke.
I have IVF house. Meaning I haven’t cleaned it in a month, have meds in my fridge instead of food, pills on my nightstand and crumbs in my bed.

I think it’s officially taken over my world.


She’s Here.

witch door cartoon

The witch arrived today and I was sure excited to see her! I called the Dr and left a message with the answering service to call me. Not sure when they wanna see me for blood work and ultrasound, and do I start my estrogen patches now!? I dunno. I hope they call soon cause I’m getting anxious to get started.
Update: Office called and I go in tomorrow morning to check for cysts and do a baseline before starting estrogen.