The Closest I’ve Ever Been to Pregnant


As another blogger recently put it- “embryos on board!”
Today was our FET and it went perfectly. We transferred two beautiful embryos, ( I can already tell they have Jason’s eyes. Haha. )
I accidentally took 2 Valium instead of 1, apparently I was supposed to save one for later today, but it didn’t actually kick in till after the transfer was all done. Oh well, I just conked out on the ride home.
After getting into our “sterile get-up” we went into the procedure room, met with the embryologist, had our mock transfer, and then the real deal. It could not have gone better. I had minimal cramping, and was trying not to pee on the doctor as the nurse was pushing the ultrasound wand in my very full bladder. It was incredible to watch my babies float into my cozy uterus. Amazing!
Afterward the RE gave me three instructions for the rest of the day. First, eat whatever sounds good, don’t worry about healthy, just make sure you’re eating. Second, take it easy, rest and relax today. And most importantly, positive thinking, just think happy thoughts and don’t stress. So that’s what I’ve been focusing on.
As far as bed rest goes, our office does not advice strict bed rest after the procedure, just 2 “lazy days”. So no exercise, heavy lifting, sexy time, baths, swimming, vacuuming, or crazy stuff like that.
Jason got some great footage of the actual procedure. So expect the video soon.
Stick my little embies! Stick!